Thursday, August 27, 2009
Cyril Takayama Zippo Belt
Linguistic concepts:
1. The sign:
language: code size of signs
significant concept: sound, linguistic representation of the circuit
word meaning Sender code signifying meaning significant recipient
The idea of \u200b\u200ba sound is linked to a concept.
2. Langue et words:
The langue is the mnemonic virtual heritage, language proficiency, language as a system.
The word is the act of linguistic communication, is the text of the current, is psychological and is arbitrary
By implementing the communication there is a passage from langue to parole, or from virtuality of the news, from the paradigm
The paradigm is the list of potential concepts that I have available. The text always refers to the paradigm.
saying something I say the rest, that is saying something makes it different from what I have said and then I
also refer to the unspoken. In short, saying that the distinction is introduced / not mentioned, I create two entities, not one. The denial
updates the model and not the phrase. The phrase is the single utterance, belongs to the words.
3. Sememe and sema: The
sememe is the aggregate of meanings that have a common meaning. Each of these meanings is called Instead
4. Intermediate structures:
Morphology Semantics Syntax
5. The common pattern:
Sender: Recipient
the speaker: one who listens
Message: what is said
Code: the system of signs
Channel: the physical means to act of the messages
Contact: physical object to which the message refers
Sender: emotional
recipient: conative, persuasion
channel: fatigue
code: metalinguistic
referent referential
message: poetic
In a text functions are usually all present, perhaps with a certain hierarchy. For example: "Veni Vidi Vici."
The dominant function is called, in fact, dominant. Flexibility
syntagmatic line consists of two lines: that of the signifier and the signified. A text is a translation
the sense that we must re-translate to read it or hear it, that there is a double translation in a communicative act.
1. Reduction:
rework a text involves the steps: text1 text2
Key conceptual sense: identification
filter culture: registers, cultural subcodes: the same content can be filtered in several ways. For example
a love story can be a text of erotic or romantic or psychological. A reduction is necessary to maintain the original register
. Step
from meaning to text by three levels:
1) concept
2) width: the length of a text is flexible.
3) linguistic mediation (subcodes)
proportional reduction: stretch the various conceptual issues in the same way
Reduction purpose: to speak or move some conceptual issues on the register
Ridduzione accordion: it establishes a hierarchy within the conceptual issues
2. Amplification:
Add words, do not make sense. Amplification
rhetorical repetition of synonyms (lubricious and shame)
teaching Amplification: Amplification proportional
add explanations: stroke conceptual nodes in the same way
selective amplification: some conceptual issues amplify more than others
3. Denotation, connatazione, registers:
The paradigm contains the different registers of potential use. The texts comedians changes from one register to another
term denotes:
purely descriptive terms connotative: they have an aura psychological or social. The paradigm
synonymous depending on the kind of society.
4. Types of translations:
1) Translation intralingual: switching from one text to another text book of the same language (change subcode, synonyms,
reduction / amplification)
2) interlingual translation: switch from one language to another
3) semiotic translation: transition from language texts
4) Structured Translation: the dominant exchange.
Types subcode:
1) microlanguages: subcodes scientific
2) subcodes cultural slang, jargon
3) subcodes of pure lexical synonymy: do not change the log
Descriptive text: summarizes a situation mentally
argumentative text narrative assumes the coordinates time / space
Fundamentals metric:
Technical components of the signifier: rhythm, rhyme, verse, various appeals.
full vowel: a, e, o
semi-vowels: i, u
Umlauts: two consecutive vowels that are worth two syllables. (Eg "d'o / re / en / so / zaf / fi / ro)
syneresis two consecutive vowels that are worth a syllable (never leaving the verse)
Dialefe two consecutive vowels but separated by a pause worth two syllables (eg "Hello Andrew")
elide two vowels in a row but separated by a pause worth a syllable (if there is no accent, but it is conditioned by
a child: focus on the 4 th and 10 th syllable dell'endecasillabo
moiore to: focus on the 6 th and 10 th syllable dell'endecasillabo
Emisticchio: the two sides of the uniforms to break
Anaphora: figure of speech which consists in the repetition of a word or words at the beginning of the verses
anadiplosis: same thing but the repetition is at the end of the verses.
enjambement: the verse does not match the sentence. Towards
slip: a syllable in
Towards floor with the syllables due
Towards trunk with one less syllable
phonetic memory lasts a few seconds, then the rhymes are more distant are more incisive
perfect rhyme: identity of two phonetic units from the last syllable pronounced at the end (Eg crying, a lot)
Rima French phonetic identity of two units of the first syllable pronounced
internal rhyme: a final word of a rhyme to a word within the next verse
Rimalmezzo: internal rhyme "at the end of the first emisticchio Rima
to echo at the end of the verse and the beginning of the next
The rhyme may be poor or rich, depending on the number of repeated phones: a phone
goodness, city
3 phones: life, lost phones
6 : muscle, twilight
What determines the value of the rhyme is: a) distance, b) the accuracy, c) semantic opposition
imperfect rhymes:
assonance: the identity of Voice of the last two groups phonetic speech marked the end (cat, wagon)
Consonanza: identity of the consonants of the last two groups phonetic speech marked the end (dance, beautiful)
Omoteleuto: identification of two groups fonetic beyond last voice accentuated (meal cost)
anadiplosis: phonetic repetition of a group at the beginning of a word (wavering, barbarian)
Onomatopoeia: a word whose meaning is the meaning or play it online. The onomatopoeic words are often
anadiplotiched, hence the claim that the onomatopoeia appears to be a structure more than an audio engineer
Alliteration: two or more consecutive words that begin with the same phone
remedies groups phonetic
Omotonia: use of a speech pronounced in a word (good party)
Palindrome: identification of two groups phonetically reversed (roma amor)
rhyme slipped
acronym (AIDS)
Schema metric phenomena, or phenomena of Appeal: Appeal
intensive use of extensive use
(rhythm) (rhyme)
- syllables ( number) - perfect
- accents (number and position) - imperfect
Other action are cultural phenomena such as the verse, the structure of the rhyme and the length of the lines
The sonnet was born in 1200 in the Sicilian school. Composed of 14 hendecasyllables (4 +4 +3 +3) Rime (abab abab cde cde) or
(abba abba cde edc)
Eighth Ariosto: A''BABABCC
Complet héroïque: dodecasyllable verses. Rime kissed.
The proverb: You can
structure in different schemas, based on phonetic cohesion, action semantics, metaphor or core of wisdom. Core
sapiential purely communicative, is a board (eg the night brings counsel)
phonetic cohesion: Ex eat soup or jump out the window
semantic Action: Ex Speech is silver, silence is golden
Metaphor: Ex The devil is in the covers but not
polysemy: Interrelation
oppositional: the signifiers fulfilling its role as different from each other, although there
areas of overlap and it is there that insinuates the polysemy .
The polysemy is distributed on three levels:
1) phonetic polysemy: it is at the level of words and can be attributed to a text, not a word
2) polysemy semantics: for a word that has multiple meanings
3) structural polysemy : referred all'equivocabilità the dominant function
Example 1: "The figures do not add" 1: they are gone, 2: I was wrong calculations
Example 2: "The soprano is acute" active but only one of significance is not clear what is inelligente or is the tone?
The semantic differential
The third line of communication, in addition to the sensory (meaning) and semantic (meaning), is a social
example: "Pink" in Italian culture is connected to (arbitrarily) to femininity
more often the word is more loaded desemantizzata
of this component is the emotional reaction of the recipient
can be designed in two basic ways:
Rhetoric as an ornament of language. That is a language within the language.
rhetoric as something innate. It is the very structure of communication inherent to the language.
Rhetoric is bisected into two lines of thought:
1) Rhetoric logic: inventio (= sense of what I mean), devices (such as organizing the discourse); elocutio (words that use
2) Rhetoric poetic language such as creativity, based irrationality.
Cicero rhetoric by some definitions: 1) is the art of persuading and 2) is the theory of how to use language, and 3) the organization of the speech is
Tropi (paradigmatic figures):
Iterazio: Comparison (Yellow as a canary)
Allegory: invest the discussion of symbolism, I am speaking on two levels (in the middle of the journey of our life ...)
catachresis: Filling a hole in the tongue (The legs of the table) , missing the word
Antonomasia: use a proper name to indicate a famous quality of the characters (and a Hercules is strong =)
euphemism: delicate expressions used to troublesome issues (passed away = died)
the time the terms resume their aggression (process bathroom cabinet)
Alitote: attenuation by denying what is not (and a little 'dirty, not eagle)
Hyperbola: esageerazione (I've said a thousand times!)
Irony: saying the opposite of what you think (good mmm. ..)
transfer a word from one thing to another because it seems to be able to transfer without error because of the affinity.
Example: John
sememe: blond, tall, educated ,....,
sememe of courageous lion, four-footed, aggressive, courageous ,....,
John is a lion. The sememe common (bold) is called tertium comparationis.
Metaphors can be lexicalized, that is known, or text, that is invented.
There are two basic forms of metaphor: the synecdoche (part for the whole) and metonymy (the whole for the part)
syntagmatic rhetoric refers to the words and not to faint. You may imagine, not tropical. All the metric enters in
Repetition: meidante two synonyms (it is with pride)
The comparison: similarity ('re strong as a lion)
The enumeratio: number of terms are classified in a category (there were apples, oranges, peaches and cherries)
Epanatessi: repetition of the same term (must study, study, study), infant
Figure etymological tone: use a word and its root (live your life)
The Final use a word with its definition Figure
opposite: The
oxymoron: a union of two opposites (bitter sweet) The antithesis
: saying one thing and then deny the other (I think this and not that)
The apostrophe: forms that call into question the Recipient (mind you, ladies and gentlemen, but feel a bit ')
rhetorical question: it calls into question the recipient, rispoosta is already in question ("but you believe it?")
Grant: it calls into question the recipient explaining a concept on that you do not agree.
grammatical forms:
polysynthetic: redundancy of syntactic connectives (and this and that, e. ..)
Asinteto: the absence of such connectives (Today arrival. Tomorrow I leave)
chiasm: syntactic inversion (blacks have eyes and blond hair)
Climax: The following series of words to mean a straight up or down (year, month, day)
Ellipses: omission
prolepsis: anticipation syntactic an entity (I wanted to tell you)
Epifonema: postponement of a syntactic entity (this)
Summary of rhetoric
paradigmatic replacement due to tertium comparationis
syntagmatic: the enlargement process of writing a text speech
two processes take place:
1) process paradigmatic
choice that the code gives me
depends on knowledge Language
choice of syntax, style, register (name); synonyms, phonetic cohesion, tropes (rhetorical)
2) syntagmatic process:
inventio: psychic unity, what we have in mind
device: organization Text
elocutio: code, produce the line syntagmatic
It brings a lot of information. Moving from orality to writing the pitch is lost for the most part.
There are few tools to translate the pitch (the last stretch phono mangiaaaavo, punctuation).
For this reason there are verbs that describe the pitch: muttering, stammering, whispering, shouting, screaming. There are verbs that position
say in a certain context: answer, add, repeat, stop.
translation semiotics: iconic
translation of a code in a text language.
Icons are classified by: 1) content, 2) technique, 3) historical phase
Translation Process:
code language code
iconic sense
emotional persuasion
semantic design
syntax color composition and linear auditory
ivo vis
text and unified image An image advertising is persuasion
From the Icon you can translate the meaning and linguistic mediation (Image description).
Highlights from the description of a picture:
1) Date
2) Composition (elements of the framework)
3) Origins (client, etc.)
4) History of the Opera (where she was exposed, etc.)
5) Copies
6) spatial location (where it is, where it was painted)
7) Light
8) The realism of the work (as he shows us the reality)
9) Comparison (worth, sense)
10 ) Psychology (psychological content, interpretation unit)
11) The technique (generally and specifically)
12) Theme
13) historicizing (where it fits into the cultural trend)
14) artificial elements (collage, foreign material, oversized)
15) Location of the measures (9m x 4m)
16) Added (variations from the original)
17) Character statuary
18) this state of conservation
19) Nature dead
20) General characteristics of the context
21) Colors framework
The order of translation:
1) of past work and what is the first external data (1,3,13,11,18,15,6 )
2) The central core (12,10,2,19,17,7,21,8,14)
3) Comparison (9)
4) What happens next (16,5,20, and 4)
Monday, July 6, 2009
How Do You Use Colloidal Silver For The Tear Duct
Friday, May 22, 2009
Breast Implants Denise Milani
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
What Kind Of Overalls Do Farmers Wear?
Sarto Dear Writer,
an article that tells me the speed. Greetings to all the authors in your studio Este, Carlo from Monaco
A city that tells
Written by Carl Wilhelm Macke
Ferrara seen through the eyes of a German journalist who chose her as his second home.
The Italians, so at least I think, like statistics.
Their newspapers are always full of tables, lists of bestsellers and opinion polls.
Very popular seem to be also the charts of the Italian cities with the best quality of life, regularly published magazines. The most important evaluation criteria consist of the average wage of citizens, the quality of municipal services, the provision of cultural activities from the operation of public transport and the number and area of \u200b\u200bgreen space.
It is, undoubtedly, the major indices, but there are also other criteria - not material - to define the value of the city: for example, literary criteria. How important buildings, churches, houses, squares, streets, corners, monuments, and not forget them, the places that a city dedicated to their deaths? The cities are submerged by the use of dead cities, do not tell us anything, and their inhabitants are interchangeable, as the shops.
For me, Ferrara, however, is a living city, which gives the reading: the streets and alleys are like "the common thread of a story," as he wrote in the Berlin of the twenties the writer Franz Hessel. In Italy and in Europe, it is increasingly difficult to visit a city where you can rediscover the "ability to tell" so intrinsic to Ferrara, the town of Este.
"The way Bassani said Ferrara has attracted the attention of tourists on the city, "wrote Alfred Andersch, one of the most famous post-war German writers, in his essay On the trail of the Finzi-Contini. Many foreign visitors and then associate the Novel of Ferrara Ferrara Bassani, try the Garden of the Finzi-Contini, and finding none, they are disappointed. But the foreign visitor that he was able to stay longer turns out, beyond the streets narrated by Giorgio Bassani, including new tracks that lead to other stories, novels, essays, and why not, even in poems not yet written.
Everywhere you can find details and ornaments, votive tablets and inscriptions that testify to a long history and the most mysterious stories of Ferrara. About can listen to the heart of this city, perhaps brought from wonderful to listen to wise up Savinio Milan, fail to capture the charm and discover the magic of Ferrara and its surroundings, beyond the most popular tourist destinations.
Ferrara, in fact, is a school of the senses, for those who want to hear and see. Therefore allows a visitor like me to talk about some of his early discoveries. For example, the Jewish cemetery at the end of Via delle Vigne, so different from the German cemeteries will be maintained with meticulous care and designed as if they were highways. In the shadow of the city walls, covered by a strip of trees, the dead can rest in peace. No one sweeps the leaves, no headstone is cleaned, the decay is spreading everywhere.
How many stories tell of the inscriptions still visible on the memorial stones of the Jews of Ferrara, now washed out by time. Remind people with a "great heart" and then, behind the figures already corroded the years between 1940 and 1945, "the Nazi death camps 'and' deported to Auschwitz." And the stories told by those who sleep in the Jewish cemetery of Ferrara are particularly humiliating for a German. Then you come across in the older inscriptions, if not ancient, like that of Jacob Massarani, died March 22, 1877, in life "scrupulous observer": an expression that seems easy to translate into German spoken, although with time the meaning of the word "sloppy" has faded. It is natural to ask when and why the adjective has been removed, as bulky as a burden, from the vocabulary of modern life. In times of fast and unambiguous those judgments - except the artists - can afford the luxury of being a "conscientious observer" of his time? Sometimes it is the stones of the old cemeteries to remember catastrophic loss.
In cities bordering the Po, is still given a special meaning to the slowness, which is perhaps best expressed in the "bicycle culture". In Ferrara there are so many bicycles as in any other Italian city: I have never bicycles luxury mountain bike or refined, two wheels and a chassis is not too rusty enough for most cyclists, even the lighting does not always work properly.
on these vehicles - which Germany would be considered an offense to all the rules of the road - moving with great ease separate bank employees committed and elegant fashion boutiques who go to work.
Older people are masters in the 'art of recreational cycling "move defying the limits of immobility in order to maintain peace of mind with the cyclist on the side. In the era of high speed, the concept of time, for cyclists of the Lower Valley, is linked to a culture that is passed: to move, while still maintaining an appearance of immobility, without sacrificing communication development. That in the past, cycling has been anything other than an environmentally sound tool for keeping in shape, you can learn by watching the taste and phlegm mountain bike with which the villagers along the banks of the Po But as soon as joints on the main thoroughfares, this admirable phlegm turns into a ridiculous nostalgia, in an anachronism, in the long dictatorship of the twentieth century.
But back to the city. The Lane Leocorno, hidden at the edge of the old city, where I recently bought an apartment, bearing the name of a grocery who was towards the middle of the sixteenth century, whose symbol was the fabled unicorn. From this detail, you could tell the whole history of the businesses and small shops Ferrara currently facing closure because of the large supermarkets who settled outside the walls.
The day I saw a woman who, late into the night, decorate the windows of his shop on Via Carlo Mayr to attract new customers could perhaps tell us something about this fight for survival.
Next to a copy of The Pink Lady by Giovanni Boldini, available in its lovingly showcase cosmetic: I have rarely seen customers in that store. Perhaps because we all forgot that for each shop, each restaurant, for each bar that closes, the city is deprived of a small part of its identity and individuality.
"The new wealth," he writes Italo Calvino Invisible Cities, "was the cities overflow of materials, buildings, new objects, new people streamed out, nothing and no one had something in common with or Clarice Clarice of first, and more are setting up the new city triumphantly in the first place and in the name of Clarice, the more he realized that to get away from, not to destroy less rapidly than the mice and mold. "What he was thinking about writing these sentences in Ferrara?
In Germany, the city is justly famous Este also for its cultural policy.
The high-level cultural events such as concerts and ballets at the Teatro Comunale, are able to compete with those held in European capitals. The exemplary work of restoration of its historic center has had the widest international recognition. Schifanoia exhibition at the Palazzo, Palazzo dei Diamanti and Casa Romei, have an irresistible appeal to all lovers of art.
Castle and the Cathedral are among the essential goals of Emilia. Poets and writers such as Carducci, Bassani and Piovene Ercole I have erected a monument to the course literary experience.
All guides praise, and rightly so, the artistic heritage of Ferrara, but the city still has a wealth of history and culture of which the guidebooks do not mention, a heritage that allows us to trace the reasons for a reading of Ferrara that other cities, with perhaps a better quality of life, lost forever.
"The cultural problem of modern cities," writes American urban sociologist Richard Sennett, "is to be able to speak to an anonymous environment, to leave the city from their degradation and their neutrality." This issue, Ferrara, does not arise. Maybe it just needs to rediscover and learn an important element of quality of life: his ability to narrate.
(translation by Runngaldier)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
What Is This Red Area On My Tongue?
The two so-called "bimbeminkia" Matilda and Lucrezia had a brilliant idea to make this more exciting, EMH, seguitissima, EMH, blog. Since we often go for some time now, I have been highlighted unique characteristics of us, for better or for worse. We are here today (and tomorrow and tomorrow, and tomorrow the day after tomorrow) to tease everyone, satanic laugh ahahahaha * *. So be prepared psychologically to not offend you, because we will not be so bad, in fact, we also make fun of themselves.
In fact today I will present (not present, it obviously was not doing too well ... Matilda) the first of the characters Meeting of the Creative Writing! Ladies and Signora ...
Matilda is the smallest of the group (but do not tell him, which then offends!). Despite his young age, it's probably good for all caryatids group put together ... And you know, so if the grins beneath his mustache who did not while others read their horrible creations. Do not forget also that the Gothic spirit, a little 'vampire ... In his short but intense stories, written on a quadernino FUCHSIA, speaks of love, of beautiful men and impossible ... but can also talk about things tough. But those who really know? In short, it is held for himself what he really wants to say, as if the others were just too smart to listen to. Frank, sincere and acid at an early age, in short, all the features of a modern perfect writer!
... But always comes late to meetings, and therefore is no longer invited. TZSE '.
At the next character with the book Through the Looking Glass!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Inurl:wiki Car Insurance 15
Four such poor Christian, Luke, Matilda and Lucrezia yesterday faced a key topic of all art, from writing to painting, sculpture, photography, etc.. I'm talking about LOVE. Through a narrative of the project, one of our usual tests of writing, we have a different idea of \u200b\u200blove the other.
We combined the theme of love is also an exercise in dialogue. The exercise was, in fact, to write a dialogue whose theme was love, and the dialogue could be placed in the context of a description, or just an exchange between two (or more) short, as one felt from the heart of do so.
results more or less disastrous, but still a good exercise, because you always keep trained.
If you want, You can try this at home.
Anyway, I hope there will be more people next time again groped for this experiment. Or more, if you prefer.
I leave you with my test yesterday + correction test yesterday (more considered, and sensible filed).
And the intersection. It's all so unexpected and I'm horrible are sweaty, my hair without gel and I think that I have not even brushed my teeth this morning. I look better and I realize that she is, in all its simplicity. I do, I talk to? The'm looking for too long, I see nervous ... Maybe not even remember me. can I get closer, she makes a small step but will probably hit me with the heavy bag full of books he has. No, forget it, she recognized me. Yeah, maybe not who I thought was, I had been mistaken. Around on a side street in I do not remember the name. I stop em'appoggio against the wall of a house, my eyes are closed to recover from the emotion. I fucked up, now I realize that as a last desperate act and I run the meeting. Around the corner and she is no longer fiddling with the lock on the bike. I keep running, and there it is: luck would have it, the bike chain fell and is now grumbling by Mazzini. For a moment I look at it from afar and my desire grows, I can not resist. Are now behind her, instinctively put his hand on his shoulder. She turns around, sunglasses covering the huge green eyes.
"Need a hand? He asked, pointing to the bike chain. She takes an odd: it seems the actress Julianne Moore, known. The'm going to ask if she remembers me, embarrassed silence that is destroying me, but he starts talking to me.
"Do you have a euro? I sbiciclettato here from Porotto and I have no money. "She says.
"A €? "I repeat, dazed.
"If you offer me a drink, you would be very nice, Mark. "
" You know my name? "I ask myself among the confused and bewildered.
"EMH, yes. Now you want to get something to drink? "She asks again, and I am so happy that the aqueduct would offer a whole.
And suddenly the intersection. Thus, A meeting of the blue, and that's why I'm not ready for anything, in fact, I'm really horrible: they are sweaty, my hair is not as usual filled with gel and I think that I have not even brushed my teeth this morning. I look better and I realize that she is in front of me, in all its simplicity and beauty. I do, I continue on my path or I talk to? Although only a few seconds is watching, it is already too long that I look and noticed that it was nervous ... I think you probably do not even remember me. A decision on whether or not to continue, do I approach the girl decided to tell her something, even just a greeting, she makes a small movement, a shot, but it's probably because he wants to beat me with heavy black bag and with whom he continues to rummage. He must be full of books, since we are in front of the library and it seemed novel to see a few emerge from the bag. No, come on, let's leave, so she did not recognize me. Indeed, perhaps not even those who thought it was, maybe I had been mistaken. Yeah. Carried
then on a side street that runs alongside the library Ariostea can not remember the name. I stop for a second, leaning against a wall full of moss. As I watch the cigarette butts on the ground gives me a tremendous desire to turn so that a pull out from his pants pocket a packet el'accendino. Then close my eyes, just to recover from the emotion. And with his eyes tightly closed the account I am really fucked up that I did. As a final act of desperation, I decide to meet her running as the best (or worst?) Romantic movie.
Around the corner to find myself again at the entrance of the library, but she is no longer there to deal with the bag full of books or the lock of the bicycle. So I continue to run it all away for Science, but only the later meeting. My luck would have it, the bike chain broke and now the girl was grumbling by Mazzini and dragged the vehicle to walk with great difficulty. For a while, 'the I watch from afar, feeling my desire to grow: I want to make, I want to feel the taste of her lips, I own and I like that. I can not resist, and quickened his pace until they are right behind her. Instinctively put his hand in a gesture not too gentle on the shoulder. It 'pretty low, but this makes it very sweet, and makes me feel even higher. She turns a little 'alarm, the huge sunglasses covering his eyes are usually blue or green.
"Need a hand for the event? He asked casually, pointing with a finger the chain to the ground. I feel a little 'stupid hard to do when the problem of where to save the beloved is only a bicycle route. She takes an odd: it looks like the actress Julianne Moore, known for the first time. The'm going to ask if she remembers me, because the silence that has been created between us is definitely destroying me, but he starts talking to me.
"Do you have a euro? I arrived here from Porotto bike and I have no money to cool a moment. "She says.
"U-a €? "I repeat, dazed. Yes, ok, maybe I'm doing the ebony figure, but she's so strange to make such a request. And the beauty is that it does not seem at all un'accattona, indeed, seems to want something offered with the heart, and this is all so special.
"If you give me something to drink, Mark, would you be very kind ... A true gentleman! "
" You ... You know my name?! "I ask myself among the confused and bewildered.
"EMH, yes. "She says, in fact, if you just called me by name, it means that they have to know. It means that you remember me, I know, at least to my face. Her voice brings me back to reality. "Now I get something to drink, please? "She asks again. In response, I smile with joy: I'm so happy that would offer even the entire local waterworks, if I could.
the next week and a kiss.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Customize Boobie Bracelets
was already passed by the morning I had started to increase, and the afternoon was imminent, the fatigue was at the gates of weakness.
Climb a mountain, even if it is not easy to medium difficulty. Having found a foothold sure, and breath thinking about what to do. The support leg trembling in the effort: And I had to laugh, thinking of the verse of Dante, when you climb the mountain of hell, "... is that the firm foot ever was the 'lowest ...". Meanwhile, I looked around to see where it was better to hang up with more confidence. I could hear the gusts of wind whistling against the rock, and freeze the sweat of the brow. You do not hear much noise, or anything that was not of loneliness and wind. I looked carefully, what I'm hung over. In a flash I realized that it lacked a lot to achieve a small balcony where I could have refreshment, before proceeding to the final effort. Making
force, resumed the climb, but I noticed that the weight of the backpack I would not be allowed to go on for another time, the weight on my back was now unbearable. The
oppressed me panting chest hurt me to the point of the lungs, with their essential needs. Making violence I passed a few footholds, and finally resting the elbow to the balustrade, guadagnai the safe harbor.
Won the danger, now a new anxiety shook me, that of being caught by darkness, before having completed my intent. This new anxiety made me think, I saw the top of the summit, still far away, I thought that with all that weight back I could not reach it before dark. So I took a quick decision: undid the buckles and the cordons of the backpack and began to get rid of excess weight.
The first thing I threw in a vacuum, were the quarrels in the family, then I svincolai the grief of the death of his grandmother, hurled into the abyss the separation of my parents, and also down the long illness of my mother, and finally I burst dell'involto huge and heavy, the thousands and thousands of disgust of life, I downloaded that burden, making him tumble down the cliff. I tried the bottom of the bag if there was anything else left to burn, there was just a peak roll of canvas, I served it to know its contents: there were some rare moments of happiness, which no longer even remembered its existence.
I closed my backpack, threw it on his back recovering to rise, light and carefree.
Cristiano 4/11/2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Where Can I Buy Dragonball Z Bedding
My exercise:
Patrick darted like lightning in front of the Chinese restaurant. He was not accustomed to run, we can say that was not a perfect athlete despite being very tall and rangy, with difficulty breathing every time he leaned his foot on the ground next to a lever. The incorrect breathing was starting to make him head spin, but the adrenaline helped him to continue to run. Again, if there was still need to get away, I do not know, that was several feet did not turn to see if the black car was following him again. His friends had already left for a couple of blocks back, and Patrick decided on impulse to head for their hideout, the "Adriana Club. Surely Marco, Gianluca and Benedict were there waiting for him, teetering between the beams their refuge. Pat climbed rapidly on a wall, then falling weight in someone's garden. He felt his arm burning and then exposed to light of electric lamps, a long cut that started from the finger that ended just before the elbow gushing blood appeared black in the darkness. It controlled the rest of the body: after all he was naked except for shoes and white socks, there was the risk of having damaged something more important than a stupid arm. With relief, found that only the sharp knees were skinned and nothing more. He pulled up his socks and settled down with a hand gesture to smooth hair while trying to understand why this place seemed so family. He noticed the garden gnomes, and a sophisticated swing and gazebo for a while hoping not to be finished at the home of Anthony, what was once his best friend. When he noticed the huge fake insects and Dutch clogs hanging near the door, he realized that his intuition was right for once. Climbed over the wall again to go as soon as possible, this time being careful not to cut with glass. Once back on the road, decided that he would not bother his friends, at least for that night. He would return home, he would had a nice cold shower and then, between the sheets of the bed, would have laughed at the thought of her three friends, still naked, waiting for him to the 'Adriana Club. "So they learn to offer to walk away with a pea outside Bologna. "Mused without malice. He squeezed his eyes between the green and gray then breathed a sigh of relief for fortunate that terrifying black car was gone.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Game Maker Naruto Sprite
Rossi (Proof of creative writing 17/03/2009)
Rossi put his white shirt-black back the fateful number nine, to take the field this Sunday with a big bad 'teeth. The upper left incisor, as an apparently healthy coral, already pinched by the morning and fifteen was almost unbearable.
In the field, the cry to scan the crowd of his name, made him for a moment, but only for a moment forget the torment. Not even the two swallowed painkillers before the race, had relieved the pain.
pain that was added to more pain, to be conscious not to play a good game. Missed the ball in crucial moments of the game, the simplest actions, he found it difficult. He thought of asking for change, but was torn between wanting to still groped, and respect the rules of the team. When the thirty-seventh of the first half, a ball returned by Zoff, was pegged to three-quarters Furino and cut into a beautiful diagonal spiovve millimeter on his head, Paul did not miss the ball, and a dynamic rotation Chapter nell'angolino put the opposite of the goal, the goalkeeper rashly tried to turn the ball away out of a closed fist, and not finding the attacker struck in the middle of the mouth.
Rossi took the company just carried from competitions, received no more pain and an incisive look up from the earth, rejoiced with hands raised to his companions, who embraced him, then wriggling on close friends ran to the coach who was rejoicing speechless, seeing him coming toward him with the cloister of white teeth and bloody of the two upper teeth missing.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Cost Of Pecan Orchard

if you do not explode all inside in spite of everything, do not.
unless you come straight from the heart and mind and mouth and guts, do not.
if you just stand sitting for hours staring at computer screens or bent over the typewriter searching for words, do not.
if you do it for money or fame, do not.
if you do it because women want in bed, do not.
if you sit there writing and rewriting, do not.
if it is already hard at the thought of it, do not.
if you're trying to write like somebody else, forget it.
if you wait until you come out as a roar, then wait patiently.
if you do not ever released as a roar, do something else.
if you read it first to your wife or your girlfriend or your boyfriend or your parents or someone, you're not ready.
not be like so many writers, do not be like all those thousands of people who call themselves writers, do not be dull and boring and pretentious, do not get consumed by self-complacency.
the libraries of the world have yawned herself to sleep for guys like you.
not join them.
unless you come out from the soul like a rocket, unless the stand still does not take you to madness or suicide or murder, do not.
unless the sun inside you is burning your gut, do not.
when it is really time and if you are predestined, by itself and will continue until you die or you will die.
there is no other way.
and there never was.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
What Is Milky Mucas Before A Period?
The next meeting is' set for Tuesday, February 10 at 17.30 ever by the legendary Christian. See you soon guys! |
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
How To Reach Keshav Puram Shankar P Chowk Delghi
Afghani Wedding Invitation Card Sample
* when you describe a place, when you write a dialogue, you must be there, you have to feel there;
* write well is a matter of commitment, perseverance , willing to learn, experience, in short, we must do as the craftsman if you want to learn the craft of writing;
* It is important that the theme you want to tell us care about, write
* e. .. rewrite;
* be a craftsman of writing: patience, dedication, care,
* if you want to be good storytellers, it is very important to develop the capacity Observation of the people we meet or with whom we deal, knowing capture their traits;
* must never forget, as you write, to ask: do you see? What do you hear? There are scents, touch or taste?
* there can never be forgotten the existence of a particular filter, where our history has to pass through. This filter is the cultural background of the reader;
* must learn to enjoy the right time to see, watch, observe and then try to understand. This should give time to our readers;
* and we must develop the ability to look at things from unusual perspectives and such that we can understand what a better place or a character they represent and, by writers, transfer this attitude on the page;
* general advice: when you get stuck in our writing and we do not know how to proceed, a good way to unlock is to find the "easiest way";
* not succumb to the temptation of the autobiography: it is better to try to tell their stories, rather than its own history;
* The items for the writer's word choice is critical, and is particularly effective when we want to give meaning to the phrase without becoming didactic;
* the words we choose to be a dialogue appropriate to the character that reflect its pronunciation and cultural background, his mood and climate of the context in which it takes place;
* with words but you can also "play" using them, for example, to create contrasts, parodies, etc.. *
short, choose the right words is, for the writer, how to choose the right wood for the carpenter.
* The danger to avoid the danger boredom, the best thing to do is to work in a conscious aesthetic choices (ie on your style): for example by changing the point of view, very different strategy
* useful, is to reduce the adjectives and adverbs trying to show you what to say (do not tell, show);
* is good fight laziness always striving to find the right word;
* against boredom are very useful advice for Calvin to the "lightness" and " quickly "to find the first, you will need to work hard for subtraction, for the second priority will be well coordinated phrases rather than subordinate;
* The five friends of boredom:
1) predictability
2) the lack of direction ( a sense)
3) repetitive
4) the lack of significant events (nothing happens)
5) an overly didactic style (say anything)
* The seven enemies of boredom
1) multiple storylines that weave or even intersect, one of which will be the largest and the direction (sense) the history
2) changes in tone
3) the multiplicity of characters
4) a significant theme
5) the originality of the plot
6) the balance of shares reserved for those for the dialogues and descriptions
7) the presence of a guiding
* In addition to boring the reader, c 'The danger is that writing, at times, can become boring. This happens especially when it is too reflected on a passage of history that is now so well known that writing becomes only report what you already have a clear idea. In short, it's like going on a trip already knowing exactly what you will, the places you see, and also the tastes of food you eat. In practice, there is no taste. Better to start writing as soon as you have an idea consistent but not too defined.
It 'a lot' of trinkets boring to read, but sometimes we need to show that We pledge: D
Monday, February 2, 2009
Amortizations; 360; 365/360

Dear friends, I will try to describe in a nutshell beautiful trip to Milan, Rosalia, Floriana, John, Stephen and Christian to visit the exhibition of Michelangelo Merisi at the Pinacoteca di Brera. Blazing a good trip under snow, during which, Floriana overturned several times after being in the back seat due to some unexpected corners of Christian puntellatasi properly, has smoothed the skin, lacquered nails, coiffed hair and makeup eyes for most of the trip. Later with the help of Stephen Christian thought of stabbing or stun him with a knotty stick, discarded the idea in order to avoid punishment of the law, the pretty girl he proposed a game to shut him up but to no avail, that he spoke with the stomach and a belly like a ventriloquist without moving his mouth. Finally, I arrive Famagusta in the area at the intersection of Via Pietro and Via della Chiesa Boifava red, five, after no little effort and waste of money and managed to get sick from the evil machine spits out tickets, an unspecified number of runs. Bigatto arrival of the underground, took place in the belly of rattling ... the journey into the caterpillar and Terrigno was short and funny. Lanza descended to the station, the patrol was launched to secure the art gallery where the court of honor were received by Emperor Napoleon the most part, then to the grand staircase, smiling greeted them Beccaria, seated and surrounded by his books . So began the visit. Pinacoteca Mantegna, Bellini always wonderful to be in Mentessi Morandi, splendid oxen Giovanni Fattori, from Volpedo Pelizza, Silvestro Lega, with its delicate Hayez meant "Kiss" a moment of love eternal, immortal, Garofalo, Reni, Tit. I can not stop. Then, the butt of capon, the core, the reason that prompted the trip. Caravaggio. Sublime, beautiful, explosive, daring, sweet, wicked, magic, art to rip the flesh from the bones. Four paintings, two dinners in Emaus, including one owned by the Art Gallery of Milan, then in essence three pictures, an early work "The Concert" and "Boy with a Basket of Fruit" in end "Dinner at Emmaus" came from the National Gallery in London. A quarter of an hour to see those works, then turnover, "under the other" in the words of Paris fluffy cut when the heads of aristocrats. Cold, hungry, and the snow took shelter at the inn of our "Three foo", where a servant was sent a series of fairy C3, the Gem, but not the Torlonia, nor Donati, Gemma Edwards from Salerno, on the other nice and gentle manner in the making, with an attractive and Cristiano immediately entered into symbiosis with it, until the confidence that ended with a farewell gift and final close in heart. Rain and wind howling of wolves in the distance, have meant the quintet, usually formed by a duo or a trio, have split, the first to Ferrara, the other three to go shopping and visit the downtown. After undergoing a search to South America, Floriana Stephen and Chris have been in the cathedral, the facade of white marble and time which, after careful restoration. Within the three sought the cloud, the typical elevator in which the Cardinal can reach the shrine of the Holy Nail, is best known relic from those related to the worship of this relic. For its peculiar appearance, as well as its slow movement, very similar to incense that rises slowly in the air, it was renamed "cloud" or, more frequently, "Nivola", a term of popular origin, derived from the dialect and now established by custom. Leaving the three bought a candle protector (you never know). Then they crossed the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, with crushed chestnuts of the bull (you never know) then again the square of the scale, then in Turin Street Floriana met Eleanor friend and colleague to conclude: the metro back to the lair of the car, started to Ferrara. Throughout the journey home, snow, rain, wind, storm and Christian is not never said nothing. As a magician's confetti and confetti out of the mouth, that came out of words, words, and even words. The scoundrel has said everything from Dante to pen, from Cecco Angioglieri Guido Cavalcanti, from Moravia to Pasolini, everything and more. But every torment to an end and that hectic-crazy-language-phonetic-lip, in order, after first gently deposited on a self Stefano Oroboni, then Floriana front of his home, he returned to the fold. You would think in silence? What do you mean he was still talking and alone, while autoaccompagnava home.
I hope I was descriptive enough. Your servant forever. The omniscient author
Friday, January 30, 2009
Many Calories Skirt Steak
The event is now weekly! :) We meet Tuesday, February 3 always in the magic shop of Cristiano! The time is at 17.40 or so.
A kiss, and if you wrote something, bring it!
PS The photo on the blog I have not yet made but a short put. Minor problem: if you do not like in the photos is simple ... Take off! :) Just do this ^ _ ^
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Micro Cube Metal Settings
" The idea that reality 'is something to which we must be brought back at a great price' is rarely understood by the superficial reader, but it 's an idea implicit in Christian version of the world " .
and Flannery O'Connor 'an American writer among the most' important 900. In Italy were published in his stories ( Stories , Bompiani, 2000), a wonderful collection of letters ( Sola to guard the fortress , Einaudi) and two novels The sky ' of violent (Einaudi, 1994) and The Wisdom of blood (Garzanti 2002).
The texts of his lectures on writing are essential. In Italy have been published in Theoria in 1997 in the book "The devil's territory "which, unfortunately, and 'impossible to find. I sent you via e-mail excerpts in addition to the story" a good man and' hard to find, what I read on Tuesday, so to speak.
Here is an article by Enzo Siciliano to learn a bit more '...
WORLD Flannery O'Connor
Enzo Siciliano
Flannery O'Connor suffered from lupus devastating. Born in 1925 in Savannah, Georgia in 1964 killed a tumor, which his body could not react in any way, weakened as it was for the care that the lupus had sought for years. He lived on a farm near Milledgeville. Bred peacocks: quell'allevamento filled the part of working life that she could play.
was strongly Catholic and believer. He had to tell stories of fate that the South who knew the intimate nature of the heart. Wise Blood ( The wisdom of the blood), published in 1952, was the novel that gave her success and fame: at the same time, his life turned into a final ordeal. The large doses of cortisone he needed to fight and curb her badly corrosero the physical. The use of crutches was the first step toward more raw impediments.
But the life of Flannery O'Connor did not take place in a dark waiting for death. Manzoni was right: the Christian faith is a force that not only the body to resist evil, but overcome evil with consequent moral certainty of rebirth. What then is the spring of life and ways to revive may be multiple, but when they believed that there is no dynamic foil hostile to them.
start with the peacocks. Why Flannery O'Connor raised peacocks? He could not answer herself: "I do not know," he wrote. Bred chickens as a child. He had five years and one of his chicken, "a brown bantam Cochin China, had the distinction of being able to walk both forwards and backwards." He went to a photographer to film the Pathé News. The poor chicken "shortly after he died, not surprisingly."
Flannery O'Connor was equipped with a strong comic. But before the peacocks confessed that he can to keep that "in a reverent awe." In a letter to a friend, the anonymous A. of the correspondence, November 25th of '55 wrote: "Where there is a peacock is also a map of the universe."
and to stand for letters. Novels by O'Connor's Wise Blood (remember I hope I get a beautiful film that John Huston) are two. The rest of his works are short stories, always beautiful (Attilio Bertolucci be read and reread: are all translated in Italian). Then there are a few of her lectures, essays, also well translated into Italian by Ottavio Fatigue in the territory of the devil. Today, more and Fatigue has edited an anthology of the letters to Einaudi ( Sola to guard the fortress , pp. XX170, pounds 18,000), deriving from a much wider choice made in the database by Sally Fitzgerald, wife of the critic Robert, good friends both of Flannery, The Habit of Being , and printed in 1979 by Farrar Straus & Giroux.
Letters of Flannery O'Connor are among the most unique, Drug texts of American literature of the century.
When Fitzgerald took her hands, which had been his correspondent wrote to Robert Giroux, the publisher, that what struck her and caught leafing through the papers was a direct, incisive with which " uncontrollable life "by Flannery stood out there: there stood out vividly his probe into the minds of others, as well as its sound, its evil, its destiny, its hard being in the world, but not ruthlessly ruthlessly .
There was no way that Flannery is detached from its nail: the map of the universe looked everywhere, as in the color tablets that dissolve the long tail feathers of a male peacock.
The strong realism in fiction of O'Connor has its roots in that south in Faulkner had his Aeschylus. In her, the tragedy is exchanged constantly in comedy.
Also his dear A. September 24 of '55 wrote about Simone Weil: "His life is an almost perfect blend of comedy and terrible, then if we are two sides of same coin. In my experience, every funny thing I've written is more terrible than fun, fun or just because terrible, terrible or just because of fun. Well, the life of Simone Weil is the comic who has ever read and the more genuinely tragic and terrible. If I live enough to fully develop my skills as an artist, I like to write a comic novel about a woman, and what is more terrible than an intellectual comedian and proud and sharp that you draw near to God with his teeth a little step at a time gnashing? I have to get on my two legs of aluminum. "
The quote is long, I know, but it is a striking portrait, stripped to the conclusion, in anger, in the smile and scorn toward those in the "two aluminum legs."
If Faulkner, with his novels, was the Aeschylus (And a bit 'on Sophocles) of the southern States, O'Connor it was the Euripides. Believes in the law and the dramatic life that is lived in those lands, but we believe on the edge of a caustic wit, subversive that everything would shell, then if there was a precipice into the heart, the presence of God (the deus ex machina ) who saves everything and saves her beatification, consoling, but saves it as a tragedy, you can save, through murder and death.
A John Hawkes on September 13, '59 writes: "My theme is always the conflict between the attraction of the sacred and a disbelief in him that you breathe the air of the times. Believing is always difficult, but much more so is today. "
The visionary protagonist of Wise Blood running from village to village preaching while around him there is not that bad, and he himself is evil. But what matters for its author's credibility is, in the paradox of the man who professes faith. "The problem is not whether something is positive or negative, as if it is credible" (with A., September 8, '56).
conclude with the faith of Flannery O'Connor. I am a bit 'Jansenist, he said. I think that for some Italian Catholic clarity of his words may sound surprising and annoying ("To live today breathe nihilism. Inside and outside the Church is the gas that you breathe ', A. 28 in a letter of August '55). Also claimed to be "a Catholic individually equipped with modern consciousness, the kind that Jung called ahistorical, lonely and guilty." He added that this was the burden she had to take, you and every Catholic be aware of: "Hearing in the contemporary extreme measure." And again: "This is a generation of wingless chickens, and I believe that Nietzsche was referring to the same thing by saying that God is dead" (again to A. In a letter dated 20 July '55). All this could affect
as art, literature? Flannery O'Connor writes to Eileen Hall, 10 March '56: "Art is not something to be seen" between "people, but not the art of the novel. It 'something that you live alone and in order to grasp a new way, through the senses, the mystery of existence. The mystery of existence is largely a sin. "
The science of Flannery O'Connor supported the sin was known to the smallest detail. For this Euripides suffered the same fate could tell, and represent the explosion "comic and terrible 'will to the many conflicts in the same individual.
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(From La Repubblica, May 25, 2001 )
Happy reading, hello Floriana:)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Ceramic Towel Bar Ends
Dear friends, the next meeting of the group of creative writing will always be Tuesday, January 27 Christian, 17.30.
you look! A
salutone, Floriana:)
Friday, January 9, 2009
Why Does My Face Go Red After Eating
Hello everyone! I wait for Tuesday, January 13 17:40 by Chris always for the next meeting of the group of creative writing! A
salutone Floriana:)