CHAPTER VII: systematic context of the issue about Hell
important prerequisite
1) The freedom of man who can decide for or against the love of God (cf. CCC, n. 1036).
2) The seriousness of sin, sin is not a "mistake", but an action against God has in some way in a real infinite that man can not solve by itself. Only God can liberate man from spiritual death which is the consequence of each grave sin (analogy with the death of the body). The awful fact of sin shows the cross at the same time revealing the mercy of God offered to all who are ready to convert.
3) The death as the end of the state of pilgrimage (1): there is no conversion after death (against Origen, etc...) It is likely that death will never end the life of a person who is in mortal sin? That all must be converted before they die? If mortal sin is a reality in many people, it must also be assumed in a realistic way that death ratification orientation always negative in many people.
4) God's holiness can not tolerate sin in his neighborhood. Crucial point now is the image of God should reveal the stark contrast between good and evil.
objections known
1) The mercy of God is more ready to pardon than condemn. This observation
is correct, but it is first life on earth where there is still the possibility of converting. Honors as the salvation accomplished by the mercies of God, so damn honors the divine justice.
(According to Thomas, God's mercy reaches through the hell in the sense that the intensity of pain remains under the appropriate measure, as in heaven man receives far more than deserved: STh Suppl. Q. 99 a. 2 to 1 ).
2) Hell is only a threat.
3) It is hoped the final salvation of all.
4) The doctrine of hell only indicates a real possibility, but not necessarily made a reality.
5) There is no canonization of the damned.
6) God has no thirst for revenge. See, however
Rom 12.19: "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord." Divine vengeance knows no human imperfection that tends to do too much or not. The joy of God is not about punishment as such, but the effect of his righteousness (2).
7) Hell is a decrease in the bliss of the elect.
The blessed in heaven are perfectly united with the divine in the beatific vision. Participate in the knowledge and the divine will. If one accepts, however, that God himself would have a damn about the endless pain, you should accept God as a consequence the last change that leads to pantheism, which does not distinguish between human affections the eternal life of God
8) Hell is against the human desire to happiness. One can be created will be unhappy? Every rational being
certainly want their happiness. But the concrete object of this desire can be very different and depends on the will created. God does not force us to change this choice.
1) See the previous parts.
2) STh I-II q. 87 a. 3 to 3.
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