Ezra Pound - Ezra Weston Loomis Pound's full name - (Hailey, October 30, 1885 - Venice, November 1, 1972) was an American poet who lived mostly in Europe and was a key player modernism and early twentieth-century poetry. He was the driving force behind several modernist movements, mainly of the imago and Vorticism.
If a man is not willing to take some risk to his ideas or his ideas are worth nothing or he is not worth anything.
* The best government is (obviously?) That enables the best intelligence of the nation.
* You can not criticize and be diplomatic at the same time.
* There is no intelligence without emotion. Can there be emotion without much intelligence, but it is something that does not concern us.
* A new knowledge is an experiment, a new friend is a risk.
* I believe in the ideas that become actions.
* Adolf Hitler was a story of Joan of Arc, a saint. He was a martyr. And how many martyrs, brought with it extreme views. (From an interview with Edd Johnson Chicaco Sun, May 9, 1945) * The temple
is sacred because it is not for sale. (From Canti, n. 97)
The temple is holy Because it is not for sale.
* Faith is a cramp, paralysis, atrophy of the mind in certain positions. (From Selected Prose, 1921) * The Art
never asks anyone to do nothing, thinking nothing, be nothing. There exists as a tree, you can see, you can sit in its shade, you can pick bananas, you can cut firewood, you can do absolutely everything that you want. (From the serious artist)
* I can not imagine how a serious artist can never be satisfied with their work. (From Hell) * Do not use
no superfluous word, no adjective which does not disclose anything. (From Letters of Ezra Pound)
* I speak of beauty. There he begins to discuss a wind of April. When he meets you feel revived. You feel revived when they meet in Plato thought that running fast, or a nice profile on a statue. (From the serious artist)
* This is my advice to young people have curiosity. (From an interview on Italian television, June 7, 1968)
* A small amount of money that changes hands quickly will do the job a great deal that moves slowly. (Selected from prose)
* Some books are a treasure, a foundation, read once, will serve you for the rest of life.
* It is difficult to write a paradise when all the superficial signs indicate that you should write an apocalypse. It is obvious to find people to hell or purgatory.
* It is very difficult for a person to believe in something strongly enough, so that what it means to believe something without bothering others.
* There are two types of ignorance, we might call natural and artificial. At the moment I would say that the artificial ignorance is about eighty-five per cent.
* "human greatness" is not an energy policy, combined with the straight, direct and agile with the intellect, is incompatible with those who lie to themselves and indulge in petty fictions.
* The bad critic criticizes the poet, not poetry.
* Genius is the ability to see ten things where the ordinary man sees only one, and where the man of talent sees two or three.
* Thinking divides, combines the feel.
* The secret of teaching has something to do with theater. Imitate simply the best teacher you have known.
* Culture is not lack of memory. The culture begins when you can do something without effort.
* The word communicates the thought, the tone and emotions. * Health
countless kills bacteria.
* True education must in ultimately be reserved to men who insist on knowing: the rest is pasture.
* Your mind and you yourselves are our Sargasso Sea.
* The apparition of these faces in the crowd: and who was not irascible.
* You can not do a good economy with bad ethics.
* Do not use any words that you can not say under stress.
* If a man is not willing to take some risks to their own ideas, or ideas are worth nothing or that he is not worth anything.
* All great art is born from the metropolis.
* All major changes are simple.
* A civilized man is one who gives a serious answer to a serious question. Civilization itself is a healthy balance of values.
* A man of genius can not help but be born where he was born.
* One of the pleasures of middle age is to discover which one was right, and that he had more reason than he realized at the age of seventeen or twenty-three years.
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