Evil haunts us? Why?
"never stoops to defend him, stimulate and inspire, the guardian angel is sad for what might afflict his protege: material loss, business failures, accidents, illness, old age, inconstancy, shortcomings, sins? Accompanying the man in all his ways, guardian angel who has not sometimes sad? What is the attitude of the angel in front of the problem that is a secret torment for unbelievers too dark and a hindrance to the unbelievers in their journey towards the truth: that is evil in its various manifestations, and c ' is in the world? How does the angel frequent objection: "If God existed would not permit evil. The evil is there, then there is no God? ".
Here we present a dilemma. Or the angel is suffering for our tests and thus do not enjoy a perfect happiness, or our guardian angel does not weep with those who weep, indifferent as a selfish and cold in front of the evils that afflict us and then he lacks the understanding and sympathy. The answer given by St. Thomas to this seemingly insoluble problem opens up deeper perspective on the world of angels and human life. "The angels - says St. Thomas - do not feel pain nor the sins of men or penalties. The world is only what is right according to divine justice, and that she is tolerated, so the angels and the other blessed adhere totally to the order of divine justice. But why then does God permit evil? Why can not it do otherwise? Certainly not. He is omnipotent. The slightest thing would be enough to prevent the murder of a murderess or persecution of a tyrant or dictator to kill a bully and so on. If God tolerates evil is always and solely to obtain a good, short or long term.
St. Thomas explains this divine style with a very simple example: the behavior of a sailor whose vessel, laden with goods, is in danger of sinking into the sea in a storm. The sailor does not want to throw overboard the merchandise, but he wants a serious imminent danger of death. This loss is resolved in a gain for him. He saves lives! Derives from an evil good. Sacrifice not, the merchandise, and save more lives. Acting wisely. Persists in wanting to save his goods, to miss the boat and the life. So does God, when you tolerate diseases and epidemics, earthquakes and floods, murders and wars, the faults moral, the sacrilege, the apostasy of individuals and peoples, if not prevent these evils - and I could easily do so - is because his wisdom and his power will derive a day or the other of the greatest assets. From the dark depths of human misery, by the mercies of God can draw unexpected treasures. This
are well aware of the angels, so do not grieve for our pains. It is therefore not at all indifferent to that angels do not grieve in front of the faults and misfortunes of their protected, but because of a more penetrating knowledge of these evils. Their serenity is not derived from ignorance, but by superior science. While the human eye stops at the rough bark of the evidence, not by reference consider in depth nor the future, the look of the guardian angel through the skin, enters the interior and penetrates the future. The seed planted in the ground he already discerned the ear. The angel of God which participates in science with a single glance embraces all things, past, present and future. In a page magnificent, worthy of St. Augustine, Pius XII compares the limited views of men with infinite knowledge of God, which involves the angels
"All men are almost children before God, everyone, including the deepest thinkers, the most experienced leaders of nations. They consider the events with the short sight of passing time and fly irreparable. God looks at them instead from the heights and the center of the motionless eternity. They have before them the narrow views of a few years but God has before it the universal view of the centuries. They ponder the future human events from their causes and their immediate effects; God sees them in their remote causes and measures them away in their effects. They want justice and are shocked immediately before the ephemeral power of the enemies of God, the suffering and humiliation of the good. But Heavenly Father in the light of its eternal embrace, penetrates and dominates the vicissitudes of history, like the serene peace of the world without end, and will continue to make the sun rise on the good and bad, to guide their steps of children, firmly and tenderness. You just need to let themselves be led by him and have confidence in the power and wisdom of His love for them. "
Friar John of the Cross is thrown by his brother in a Carmelite convent in the prison of Toledo. Reprehensible act, however, from which God will obtain wonders! It was precisely in his dark prison of Toledo, who received the thanks of light and love that brought him to the highest degree of the mystical life. After his release, he spoke of his captors as distinguished benefactors. His intimate union with God allowed him to participate in some way to the insight that the angels, by adhering to God's plans, events and people they need to understand that if God permits an evil, which is not to obtain a greater good. Imagine Ignatius Loyola seriously wounded by a bullet at the siege of Pamplona French that breaks a leg. We try to represent the reactions of his friends. "What a disgrace - some have cried - that's a career interrupted ..".
"How lucky - others have thought - it is a liberation! Touched by grace Captain Inigo Lopez (that was his name) will embark on a career incomparably more noble and more useful to people that the profession of arms. " As our guardian angels, so the saints in heaven, and then our dead, freed from the flames of purgatory and entered into the light of God, keep la serenità dinanzi al mali temporali e ai peccati degli uomini. Sulle prime questo atteggiamento imperturbabile sembra inumano ed incomprensibile. Si dirà: una madre entrata in paradiso come potrà non rattristarsi delle prove dei figli rimasti sulla terra? Non parteciperebbe alle loro preoccupazioni materiali? Non soffrirebbe per i loro peccati? Non fremerebbe vedendoli sulla via della perdizione? È necessario ripeterlo: la serenità dei cittadini del cielo dinanzi ai mali che affliggono gli abitanti della terra non è il frutto dell'ignoranza, né dell'indifferenza di chi, divenuto ricco, dimentica la sorte dei suoi compagni di via. È piuttosto il frutto di una scienza più profonda e di un amore più illuminato. Poiché their will is totally united to that of God, the elect enter into his peace can feel neither pain nor contrary to the view of the vicissitudes of men. Their intelligence, being immersed in God's, men see the evidence of the fulfillment of God's plan that are all adorable. An English mystic, Julian of Norwich, concerned about the problem of evil and suffering, communicating their concerns to our Lord.
He reassured and asked to trust in His love and His omnipotence: "In the end you'll see that everything was fine." "In the end" here is the keyword that illuminates the problem of evil. The angel sees the end. The man, who uses only of reason and ignores this order and protested against the pain. The believer has a faith is weak, unwilling to bear, while the Christian faith believes in living a happy end. Most strongly believe, the more involved - never equal it - the unflappable serenity of the angels before the bad. Peace is a deep feature of the friends of God, it lies in the depths of their soul and is reflected from their face and their eyes. " [... but the Angels really exist? Ed Medjugorje].
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