Saturday, May 3, 2008

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Exorcism, ministry exercised in the Church (Don Gabriele Amorth)

Christ, the only winner of Satan, has given teachings and powers precise against the devil. The apologetic power of exorcism, the time of Jesus, in order to attract the pagans. The institution dell'esorcistato and practice of exorcism over the centuries. The current situation in the Church latina.Chi are the exorcists, who are, what they do and when to use them.

I begin by specifying the limits of this article. I do not speak of antiquity, or the centuries before Christ, and even of non-Christian peoples. I will just say that in all religions and among all peoples there have always been devils and exorcists, albeit with different names. Even before the Jews, Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, every people had the intuition of the existence of evil spirits from which it was necessary to defend himself, escape, or something needs to curry favor.
Of course the idea of \u200b\u200bthese spirits depended - and still depends - from socio-cultural attitudes of the various peoples, and so are the remedies: rituals, sorcerers, dances, sacrifices ... I will not speak of non-Catholic Christian churches. I will just say that a first major difference in behavior was already in the fourth century when the Latin Church instituted the sacramental dell'esorcistato, entrusted to the bishops. The Eastern Church has never accepted such an institution, without fail the unit. When they occurred the other "rip" with the divisions of the Churches of the reform, also practices exorcism differed over the centuries, according to various denominations. The Encyclical Ut unum sint, 25 May 1995, stresses the importance of knowing the sister churches in them and notes that "certain aspects of the Christian mystery have at times been brought to light more effectively" (No. 14). I think that we can apply this observation to the case of loyalty to the reading of the Bible by the people, I also believe that we can make the same observation about the exorcism, which in the Orthodox world in general and in certain denominations of Protestantism are an ordinary pastoral practice, as in the past was also in the Latin Church, which unfortunately is no longer.
Jesus and the apostles. Basic premise observation. Only by divine revelation to man, has come to exact knowledge, though partial, of the invisible world. So the forces of evil, of which all peoples have had a vague knowledge, bought with the clear knowledge of demons and personal spiritual beings, created good by God, that created the angels, rebelled against God and coming to a total irreversible and perversion.
Only with the advent of Christ even exorcism full effectiveness. Why Jesus came "to destroy the works of Satan" (1 Jn 3:8) came as the Lord himself says, to destroy the kingdom of the devil and establish the kingdom of God (cf. Lk 11:20). When Peter summarizes the work of Jesus in the presence of Cornelius, the first pagan who converts to Christianity, merely says: "He went about doing good and freeing those who were slaves of the devil" (Acts 10:38). Satan, the "prince of this world," as he calls Jesus (Jn 14:30) and "god of this world," as Paul calls it (2 Cor 4:4), was the strong, master of all the kingdoms of the earth , that he felt sure of his domain. Jesus is the strongest, that disarm (Luke 11.21-22).
The Divine Master has given teachings accurate and precise powers of the devil, clarifying doubts that even in his time were the applicants, the very existence of the evil Pharisees believed, the Sadducees did not. He made it clear the working of Satan against God, we think, for example, the explanations that he gave the parable of the good seed and the tares and the parable of the sower. He freed the possessed, clearly distinguishing the liberation from the devil by healing the sick, be certain theologians and biblical scholars today, bungling and traitors of the gospel, to confuse and deny the clarity of the Gospel, to try to impose their unbelief. Even giving her
powers to the apostles, Jesus emphasized the distinction between good power from Satan and the power to heal the sick. It has proceeded gradually: first he gave power to the apostles to cast out demons, then extended it to the disciples, and finally he has bestowed upon all who would believe in him and acted with the strength of his name (Mark 16:17) . Following the Master's words and example of the apostles, in the first three centuries, all Christians who wanted him did exorcisms. This has had a great apologetic value because it possessed the pagans to the Christians to be freed. Justin writes: "Christ is born by the will of the Father and the salvation of believers, and destruction of demons. You make you convinced by what you see with your eyes. Throughout the universe and in your city (Rome), there are many who possessed the other exorcists, sorcerers and magicians could not heal. Instead many of us Christians, ordering them in the name of Jesus Christ, crucified under Pontius Pilate, have healed reducing to impotence the demons that possessed the man "(Apology, VI, 5-6).
Tertullian confirms the effectiveness with which the Christian is freed from the demons themselves Christians, and pagans. He insists not only on the efficacy of exorcism on people, but also on social life, steeped in idolatry and evil influences. It is a very important aspect, having clearly present in the speeches delivered by the devil Paul VI and John Paul II. It can be affected a family, a particular company, an entire political movement that can come to hold power (think of the horrific aberrations of Nazism, the massacres of Stalin and his followers, they speak of 20 million victims). It is here that Paul VI reminds us: "The Scripture warns us bitterly that the whole world is under the control of the evil one" (23/02/1977).
Origen adds new evidence shows that when, in Jesus' name, you can chase away the demons by not only people but also objects, houses, animals. There are releases that we've always done well exorcists whether the documents were not talking ecclesiastical (canon law and the Roman Ritual cover only the case of personal possession), but it is now talk of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Interesting Cipriano: "Come and hear with your ears, your demons, come and see for yourself at times when, yielding to our entreaties, to our spiritual plagues and torture of our words, they leave the bodies of whom had took possession "(Against Demetrio, c. 15). I insisted on the apologetic power of exorcism, in order to attract the pagans, because today we are on the opposite side: Christians no longer find no help, no understanding of men in the Church, so turn to magicians, to fortune tellers, the sects, other religions.
final note: as the practice of exorcism has been developing since the early days, in two directions: to free the possessed, and as an integral part of baptism, which was attributed to it a great value since it is pointed out as the catechumen was stolen from Satan and incorporated into Christ. We have an echo of this passage in the baptismal vows. Unfortunately, the last exorcism baptismal liturgical reform, especially of children, it was so understated that Paul VI has publicly expressed his disappointment in a speech on November 15, 1972. But today the liturgists believe in the devil bit, just look at how the new Blessings, have been carefully removed all the invocations to the Lord, to be protected from evil.
The turning point of the fourth century. Among the great figures of exorcists that the history of the Church reminds us, we can not forget St. Martin of Tours and then the first monks, like Antony, Pachomius, Hilarion. The people who realizes that more is devoted to prayer and fasting is most suited to do exorcisms. This is why even today, in the Orthodox Church, to find an exorcist just contact a monastery administer exorcism is considered a charismatic and, as stated in the Apostolic Constitutions, 380, "you become exorcists not for holy orders, but for decision staff, good will, courage of spirit and grace. "
In the West, but the trend is strong, partly due to Roman law, to want to regulate everything. By the end of the second century s. Irenaeus speaks with admiration of exorcists as a class apart, though you all might belong. In Rome, Pope Cornelius, in his letter of 251 is the first to speak of exorcists as having a sacred office. I think you can consider that this institution of the sacramental dell'esorcistato with the year 416, when Pope Innocent I ° states that exorcisms can be administered only after authorization from the bishop. This is the discipline is still in force (with the caveat that the bishop can give the right of exorcist priests only) the case of ecclesiastical institution, and wish him changes are possible.
observation is important. It is not that the creation dell'esorcistato has misunderstood the power that Christ gave to all those who believe in him, to cast out demons, and not even be considered that exorcism is the only way to be able to leave possessions or to evil influences. They will always be very effective, I would say essential, and often enough, the usual means of grace: prayer, sacraments, penance, charity ... It remains very valid private prayer of liberation as well as freedom is full of the Holy Spirit to give gifts those who want and when they want, the gift to release the demons. The difference is that the Church, in establishing and regulating the exorcisms as public prayer, he also wanted to steal the faithful by cheaters and false charismatics, who have never missed.
Until the twelfth century the practice of exorcism is in full and peaceful development, in both East and West. The churches are well equipped with exorcists, so that the exorcism is to be: when necessary, part of the common pastoral activity and there is no difficulty in finding an exorcist. In this way there is also what I call the school, which now has gone for the long disused: the exorcist is old helped by young people who, failing him, I am prepared to replace him. It is also a period of great creativity of exorcism formulas; mention in particular the forms of Alcuin (+ 804), who entered the Roman Missal Gallicano and then some in the Roman Ritual was enacted in 1614. A merit of this era is that the people are theologians have rejected the belief of witches, who was spreading. Instead, they were very sad
the following centuries. One begins to write the name of witches to women a bit 'crazy, which were called bonae feminae, and instead of exorcising the people, you begin to persecute and even burned at the stake. It is the collapse of every legal and justice ministry, which lose your head even at those most responsible for that, hoping to moderate and regulate these bad trends, issues from the very serious consequences. In 1252 Pope Innocent IV authorizes the torture of heretics, in 1326 John XXII authorizes the inquisition against witches. You begin to demonize everything, but this happens: where there are more exorcisms, their place is occupied by the persecution and elsewhere, as in Spain known for the Inquisition of Torquemada, they continued to do exorcisms and witches they were persecuted . The worst years were 1560 to 1630, and the nations of the Protestants were much more affected than those Catholic.
is fair to say some noble exception. It is well documented the case of Sister Jeanne Fery (1559-1620). For several years, had formed pacts with the devil: it was a real witch to be delivered to the Inquisition and burned at the stake, according to the rules of that era. Fortunately for him he found a prelate of great learning and pastoral sensitivity, Mgr. Louis de Berlaymont, Archbishop of Cambrai. He ordered that the nun had not tried, but subjected to exorcisms. He was released and later lived as a nun exemplary. Following the rebellion broke out against such barbaric methods. Worth a special mention the Jesuit Friedrich Spee, who in 1631 published the book Security for criminalis, which was a critique against torture and cruel witch hunt.
The reaction was irrational, as it was irrational persecution. All of a sudden stopped. But that was not torture were replaced by the exorcism, as would be expected. The reaction was more radical: he had come to demonize everything, and now, from the eighteenth century onwards, denied any existence of the devil, who was at best seen as a puppet or the abstract idea of \u200b\u200bevil. Contributed to this abrupt transition to the secular culture, atheism preached to the masses, the rationalism of the scientific and cultural. It was therefore that loss of faith in which we live today, and the growth of all forms of superstition, with the expansion of all kinds of occultism. Where do we find ourselves. Even the ecclesiastical environment was very influenced by all these upheavals. I limit myself to the field of personal interest. In the Catholic world can be said that the exorcists have almost disappeared for three centuries. Note well: there was always some exorcist, and it is interesting to read the biographies of the saints, to see how often, although not exorcists, have freed the people possessed. Today the church world is naive and in theory, but especially in practice.
In theory. For decades, in seminaries and ecclesiastical universities (except always exceptions) do not study more that part of dogmatic theology, speaking of God the Creator, speaks of angels, the their trial, the rebellion of the demons, so studies demons no longer exist. Do not you study more spiritual theology, which deals with ordinary devil, temptation, and his extraordinary action, possession and evil melefici; thus also of remedies, including exorcisms. As a result no longer believe in exorcism, confirmed this in disbelief because he had never done and never seen. Do not you study more, in moral theology, the part that concerns some sins against the First Commandment: magic, necromancy, spiritualism, or forms of superstition condemned by the Bible and today's most common. So you are not taught the people of God, when approaching the priests on these matters, there is almost always in front of a wall of ignorance and misunderstanding.
If these two major weaknesses, study and experience, add the doctrinal errors of many theologians and biblical scholars, that they even deny the exorcisms of the gospel, regarded as "cultural language", "adapting to the mentality of" the omelette is complete. It is true that these errors has risen against the voice of the Popes, especially Pope Paul VI and John Paul II, to which is added to the document on demonology, sponsored by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, published June 26, 1975, and inserted between official documents of the Holy See. But this is not enough to dissipate the fog of the now entrenched disbelief.
And the bishops, who have a monopoly on the appointment of exorcists? They too are to act in the midst of these difficulties: one is the Canon Law gives to them and them alone the power to appoint exorcists (c. 1172), so it is a power-most solemn obligation, on the other hand they too have the same limitations of all the clergy have never studied this subject, have never seen or practiced exorcisms (with rare exceptions), are subject to the influence of the misconceptions of some theologians and biblical scholars, in conclusion, we believe only in theory. It's hard to believe the things we see exorcists, if you do not attend. Add also that this abandonment of three centuries has meant that, not knowing more exorcisms and their performance in the eyes of many appear as something abnormal, monstrous, to which must be used unless you absolutely can, and better even if you never do. So find an exorcist in the Catholic Church Latin became a drama, only Italy has begun to move something in the last few years, but most of the other nations are almost lacking. People feel it does not happen, abandoned, and is addressed elsewhere, as we have said, to magicians, fortune tellers, sects, other religions. On the other hand those who have never stayed was the devil. Light says the Vatican: "The whole entire human history is pervaded by a tremendous struggle against the powers of darkness, a struggle started from the beginning of the world and destined to last, as the Lord says, until the last day "(Gaudium et Spes, 37). And Pope John Paul II: 'The victory of Christ over the devil The Church shares in Christ, in fact gave to his disciples the power to cast out demons. The Church this victorious power through faith in Christ and prayer that, in specific cases, may take the form of exorcism "(August 20, 1986). There are the words of the Gospel, are the words of the Magisterium and the norms of canon law but, in practice, despite the great demand, I see far away time in that exorcism will return to join in each diocese, pastoral service of the municipality. And mistaken people who approach the exorcist as if he had extraordinary powers, a bit 'as if they were "good wizards". To bring an exorcist takes a lot of faith in Jesus Christ and had faith in the Church, in whose name the work exorcist.
What does an exorcist? First of all is a man to listen, to see what the case requires. Most of the time our people just need to get closer to God is not a question of needing exorcism, but the conversion. I believe that every exorcist can testify that he approached the prayer, the sacraments, the Christian practice, many more people away from when he started the ministry of exorcist, in anticipation that, when he held other positions of the Apostles. Living in grace and what this means (prayer, sacraments, religious education ...) is always also means more effective preventive and curative.
A second task of the exorcist is to reassure people. Today there are just so many people who believe they have the bad luck, they were joined by a few curse by people envious, jealous, wicked, competitors in business and so on. Needless to say, this belief is often confirmed or will have come from the wrong people who have been consulted: magicians, fortune tellers, seers, or so-called charismatic of which there is an invasion and ongoing advertising in the mass media. Every priest and every sensible person would be able to calm these troubled, but the word exorcist is more effective because it is a bit 'considered a professional in this field.
Finally, the task of the exorcist to exorcise it, when he sees that the condition exists. There may be simple reasons to suspect, that with a short prayer exorcistic are clarified. It always starts with great simplicity and brevity. Only those who have total ignorance of this ministry imagine that exorcism is a something scary, traumatic. This effect can occur in these inexperienced, not in the affected person if during the exorcism, or even at its beginning, manifest external violent reactions or strange phenomena. Precisely because the exorcism, and only an exorcism, can occur if the phenomena "suspicious" due to a hidden evil or not, the first exorcism are more important diagnostic and curative. Each is followed by the exorcist personal criteria, both in how to conduct exorcisms is examining people who turn to him. Some people do fill out questionnaires that they themselves have prepared. I always suggest that the first person to step up his life of prayer and usually also wonder that, before being received by me, has called for a series of prayers for healing and deliverance, or made by a priest, or made by a group of Renewal prayer, used to this, and I get the person only if the priest who led the prayers tells me 's opportunity to do exorcisms and I state the reasons therefor.
In the fight against the devil you do not insist enough on the criteria to be followed. In the case of the ordinary shares of the devil, temptation, the Gospel tells us that the remedies are two: "Watch and pray, lest ye enter into temptation." If this is an extraordinary action of the devil, possession or disorders evil, I put in eighth place to the use of exorcism, both for efficiency and as a remedy to fall. This is my sequence: 1) live in the grace of God, 2) the confession and 3) the Mass, and 4) the communion; 5) Eucharistic adoration, 6) each prayer, especially the psalms and the rosary, 7) the prayers of liberation; 8) and exorcisms. Of course we see the contemporary nature of these means of grace and another frequency, such as prayer, as a succession of time, precedes and accompanies it all. "Those who believe in me, in my name shall they cast out demons ... lay hands on the sick and they shall recover "(Mark 16:17-18). If at least the priest believes the words of the Lord and the power they have, he never tired to bless all the people who ask too just a simple blessing. I think that would cure many ills, and that an army of people (magicians, fortune tellers, psychics and the like) would end in layoffs. It is one of the goals that we exorcists, at least indirectly, strive to achieve. Don Gabriele Amorth


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